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Dhar, Madhya Pradesh

The Dhar district is home to a majority of the tribal area, predominantly inhabited by Bhil tribes. Despite the agricultural revolution in the Malwa region, most of Central Dhar remained underdeveloped for multiple reasons.


Through this study, we as a local organization can foster innovation

at ground level through the Transfer of Knowledge. Our focus was to grant accessibility to information to the local people who can in turn benefit through a decentralized model of sustainable and durable management of water – drinking, agriculture, and water used for other purposes. We also examined the agricultural roles assigned to men and women, paying particular attention to women's role as water collectors. Through this, we would like to find a solution that is gender inclusive and acts as motivation for change in the community. This decentralized model of collective action could then be replicated in other regions and the impacts contributing to the overall health of our water bodies, soil, nutrition, livelihood opportunities, and the climate at large could be observed.


©2021 The Charles Burdick Global Scholars Program

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